Indelible Grace Hymnbook

William Walsham How

Born: De­cem­ber 13, 1823, Shrews­bu­ry, Shrop­shire, Eng­land.

Died: Au­gust 10, 1897, Lee­nane, Coun­ty Mayo, Ire­land.

Buried: There is a mar­ble me­mor­i­al to How in the Ca­thed­ral of All Saints, Wake­field, where he was the first bi­shop. How­ev­er, he is bur­ied in Whit­tington, Shrop­shire, where he was rec­tor for 28 years.

Son of a so­li­ci­tor, How at­tend­ed Wad­ham Coll­ege, Ox­ford. In 1846, he was or­dained an Ang­li­can min­is­ter. He served as Cur­ate at Kid­der­mins­ter, then at Shrews­bu­ry. He then be­came Rec­tor at Whit­ting­ton, Shrop­shire, near the Welsh bor­der. In 1879, he be­came suf­fra­gen Bi­shop of Lon­don. In 1889, he was ap­point­ed Bi­shop of Wake­field, West York­shire. He was known for his work with the poor and with in­dus­tri­al work­ers. He al­so found time to write over 50 hymns, most of them dur­ing his stay in Whit­ting­ton. His works in­clude:

Daily Fam­i­ly Pray­ers for Church­men, 1854
Psalms and Hymns, with T. B. Mor­rell, 1854

Source: The Cyber Hymnal